You've Been Part of Something BIG!!!

If you as a driver (owner-operator) or carrier have used the FMCSA Emergency Declaration 2020-002 any time since March 13, 2020 please report your monthly use and commodities hauled using the simple form below.
Please make one report for EACH MONTH that you have used the Emergency Declaration.
Reporting takes less than 2 minutes per month and has the potential of having an impact on the trucking industry for generations to come!
Things we Will NEVER Do With your Information
Give it to the USDOT - we are collecting this data as part of a bigger picture, longer term goal. All of the data will be compiled to tell a comprehensive story, not to sell anyone out, no matter if you were using the Emergency Declaration correctly or not. The point is you are a professional driver and were able to successfully self-regulation without HOS. We will use this data to further impact regulatory flexibilities relating to HOS.
Sell it - your data is safe with us. We have committed not to sell the data or information we gather to any third party companies.